The Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAM) is suspending activities to track signatory implementation and reporting.
NZAM will also remove the commitment statement and list of NZAM signatories from its website, as well as their targets and related case studies, pending the outcome of the review into the initiative.
Recent developments in the US and different regulatory and client expectations in investors’ respective jurisdictions have led to NZAM launching a review of the initiative to ensure NZAM remains fit for purpose in the new global context.
Signatories will be consulted throughout the review process and informed of any updated in a timely and transparent fashion.
NZAM noted that it “has successfully supported investors globally as they have sought to navigate their own individual paths in the energy transition in line with their fiduciary duties and clients’ long-term financial objectives”.
“NZAM looks forward to continuing to play this constructive role with investors around the world,” it added.